If ever there was an opportunity to return to singing, this is the time to be thinking about it!
The next two years heralds an ambitious programme of music for Banbury Choral Society and is an exciting time to join the choir to sing some thrilling choral works. Rehearsals for Mendelssohn Elijah start on Monday 2nd September at the Marlborough Road Methodist Church in Banbury. Members meet from 7pm for coffee and catch up, followed by rehearsal at 7.30pm. Rehearsals last for two hours and music can be hired from the choir. Elijah will be performed in St Mary’s Church, Banbury on Saturday 7th December.
Early next year, the choir will rehearse one of the most challenging choral works - Bach St John Passion - to be performed on Saturday 4th April in St Mary’s Church, Banbury. Both of these works will require large choirs to perform them and Banbury Choral is now recruiting enthusiastic new members, in particular bass and soprano, but all voice parts are very welcome.
The choir does not hold auditions, but it helps that singers can read music and sing in tune. Members will be given plenty of support throughout the term with additional workshops organised by Banbury Choral.
Students aged 16 to 25 are encouraged to come along to try out the choir. They will be given guidance and support through a process of learning connected to the Youth Outreach Scheme. They will have the opportunity to build their confidence and enjoyment of singing alongside the choir under the tutelage of Musical Director, Julian Harris. Several students have taken part in the scheme and successfully achieved an award at the end of their year with the choir before heading off to University.
If you have any queries or would like to let us know you’ll be coming along, please contact us